Saturday, November 30, 2013

Wedding Day

Tony and Malissa, Thinking of you as you join your lives together as one today. Congratulations! 

"Consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." Matthew 19:6 

Friday, November 29, 2013


I confess, I LOVE to eat cookie dough! I prefer it over cooked dough. I also like Snicker's candy bars and pretzels. When I saw this picture I thought, "Wow! This bar has it all!" and my mouth started watering! Oh, my! As much as I would like to make these, I dare not! Not that I don't think it would be absolute yumminess but because I don't need to consume all that sugar, or the calories! However, I would reconsider that if/when our grand-kids are around. Then I could have one (or maybe two) and send the rest home with them!
Here is the link to the recipe: Cookie Dough Snickers Bars with Salted Pretziel Topping

Okay, I think I need to go make some cards to take my mind off these!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Final 3

Yay - 30 cards going to Alpha Company! Here are the final three:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Christmas For Military

I've been working on Christmas cards for our daughter. Her husband is in the army. He is a Drill Sargent and they plan to give them to his company. THANK YOU Alpha Company for your service! 

I have 3 more to make and then on to making 12 New Year's cards for her as well. Fun, fun, FUN!

Saturday, November 23, 2013


The past 2 weeks I've taken an on-line card making class. I must say it was very inspiring! And they make it look so simple! Wonderful people sharing their talents in crafting beautiful cards.  In our temporary move I didn't bring all of my crafting supplies so I am limited in some things I can do. The classes used many tools I don't have here, or even back at home for that matter. After some thinking I decided that I wanted to try making this card:

I've heard that necessity is the mother of invention. Well, I didn't have the stencil used to make the tree nor the ink colors she used. I began thinking I could make a stencil using paper strips. So this is what I came up with:
And here is my creation using the stencil I made and the ink colors I have on hand:

 I thought it turned out kind of cute, if I do say so myself!

Friday, November 22, 2013


Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks for all our blessings. And we have many! It has been said that a heart full of thanksgiving will have no room for grumbling and complaining. Think about that. It is SO true!

Since November is the month dedicated for the holiday of Thanksgiving I want to take a moment and list 30 things I am thankful for. If you've never done this I challenge you to grab your favorite drink (probably hot if you live where the temperatures are dropping), sit in a comfy chair and take 10 minutes to reflect on what you have to be thankful for. Even better, write them down! When you start feeling sorry for yourself, pull it out and read it. It will change your attitude - guaranteed!

1. Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth.
2. My husband, who chooses to love me every day (even when I'm acting unlovable).
3. My parents, who sacrifice so much to raise 6 kids. Thank you Mom and Dad!!
4. My 3 brothers and 2 sisters.  I can't imagine being an only child. Having siblings is awesome! We may have our 'moments' but we would be there for each other in a heartbeat.
5. Our 4 kids. With a blended family it wasn't always easy but the rewards of sticking through the challenges have been worth it all.
6. Our 10 grandkids. Really, is there anything better?! What joy they bring!
7. My true friends. I can not put into words how much they mean to me and how richly they bless my life.
8. 5 working senses. Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching bring such wonder and satisfaction to life. The body is a miraculous, marvelous thing!
9. Fairly good health. Aging brings on some unwanted changes but what a gift to be as healthy as I am.
10. I am a stay-at-home mom, thanks to my wonderful husband who provides for our needs. Thank you Steve!
11. Freedom of religion.
12. United States of America
13. Our military - what sacrifices they and their families make to protect us and insure the life we expect to live.
14. Modern conveniences that make every day living so much easier (and more frustrating when they don't!).
15. Four seasons. I can't imagine living where they don't exist.
16. Fall - love the changing of colors in the foliage. I only wish it lasted longer!
17. Spring - seeing the very beginning of new life! Then as things fill in and bloom - WOW!
18. Technology. Particularly the telephone, emails and Skype/Faceime hat enable me to keep in contact with loved ones when we are miles away (or even minutes away). It's hard to imagine how we survived without it!
19. Travel; car, plane, train, you name it! It's nice to be able to see and explore new places.
20. Medical technology. It is a marvel what is available to us today!
21. Ability to drive. There is such freedom in knowing you have a vehicle to hop into - to come and go as you please or to help others who have lost that freedom.
22. Smiles and laughter. One makes you look younger and the other is good medicine!
23. Wind. I enjoy hearing it blow through the trees, rustle leaves and watch it move each blade of grass.
24. Ocean. There is nothing more relaxing that watching/seeing the ocean roar!
25. Forgiveness. Where would I be in life without it (for myself as well as giving it to others)!
26. Unconditional love. Who doesn't want to be loved. . . right now, just as they are?  Jesus offers that to everyone!
27. Each breath I'm given. I try not to take it for granted.
28. Babies and the new life they represent. What a joy to see them learn and grow!
29. Creativity. We all have it in us, we just need to give it an outlet.
30. Typing. I have always loved to type. It's amazing to watch words appear as you hit each individual key.

This is the day that the Lord has made; 
 let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Thursday, November 21, 2013


I enjoy making cards but I especially love to send them to family members to let them know they are thought about. Here are a few recent ones I mailed out . . .

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veteran's Day!

     Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served or are now sacrificially serving to protect our freedoms! Here is a post from Operation Write Home for an opportunity to donate in honor of a loved one - - - 
     Veteran's Day is an opportunity to remember those who have sacrificed so much to help keep our nation free. If you have heroes in your own family tree, please consider donating in their honor to Operation Write Home. Operation Write Home (OWH) is an organization that supports our nation's deployed heroes by sending handmade greeting cards to write home on, as well as cards of gratitude to encourage them until they all come home. As OWH reaches a milestone of sending 2.5 million cards (by Veteran's Day), the board of directors is sending out a fun challenge.
Here's the challenge – Donating in honor of your family's military Heroes.
     If your family includes Past and Present military Heroes, donate an amount for each in their honor. This helps cover costs to ship over 1,700 cards and make a difference in the lives of hundreds of families who will receive messages from their hero, in his or her own handwriting, on beautiful hand-crafted cards. The cards often become cherished keepsakes and contribute to stronger family ties, as well as a much needed morale boost for those who are currently serving.
     To learn more about OWH, visit
      Donations can be sent to Operation Write Home at 35205 13th Pl SW, Federal Way, WA 98023 or made online at

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Footprint Butterflies

A wonderful, cute way to preserve your baby's sweet little footprints.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Lost Mittens

Those naughty kittens! I've found their mittens!  
I donated these cute cards to Send A Smile 4 Kids.
I hope they bring big smiles!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

2.5 Million Cards!

I received an email this morning from Operation Write Home. They have reached a milestone of 2.5 million cards sent to our troops since it began in 2007! That is AWESOME!!

I encourage you to take a look at their web site: Operation Write Home 

If you don't make cards you can still bless them by writing a letter or have your child/grandchild color one of the color sheets provided on the web site to send (they are referred to as "Any Hero" mail). Or you can make a monetary donation to help with the shipping expenses of all those cards!